- Late summer and early fall is a great time to plant cool-weather crops like lettuce, radishes, and spinach.
- September is the best month to plant garlic and onions.
- Continue to harvest veggies in the garden. Rain or cold may cause them to become moldy.
- Plant flower bulbs like crocuses and daffodils in containers to grow inside over the winter.
- Create an outdoor flower garden for early spring flowers. Plant bulbs like tulips, crocuses, or daffodils.
Kids Can!
Show kids how to plant lettuce starts in a container to grow indoors over the coming winter. A brightly lit window will help the plants grow!
Where is your garden?
Oregon has four growing regions. Choose vegetable varieties and planting dates suitable to the growing conditions in your area:

- Oregon coast: cool, long season of 190 to 250 days.
- Western valleys: 150 to 250 day season; warm days, cool nights; length of season varies year to year.
- High elevations: short growing season of 90 to 120 days; frost can occur during any month.
- Columbia and Snake River valleys: 120 to 200-day season; hot days, warm nights; length of season fairly well defined.