Sunflowers - seed packet

Paquito Colorado sunflowers are dark brown at the center. Instead of bright yellow, the petals are auburn red with gold tips. Mammoth Russian sunflowers have an enormous flower head about 1 foot across. They grow about 10 feet tall, and their seeds are gr
18 to 24 inches
Sow the seeds directly outside in the spring after all danger of frost is past. Choose a sunny location. Or start your seeds indoors 4 to 6 weeks before the last frost. Try succession planting sunflowers every 2 weeks for up to 6 weeks after your initial planting.
Sunflowers like plenty of sun and water; make sure to water the Skyscraper and Mammoth Russian varieties well while they are growing.
If you love birds and squirrels, cut a few mature flower heads off and hang them in your yard as bird and squirrel feeders. If you plan to roast and eat the seeds, wait until the head of the flower bends from its weight. Then cut the flower head off and hang it downward in a warm, dry place. The seeds will be ready to harvest when the head of the flower bends from the weight.