Take a Guess

Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable?

A fruit botanically, and a vegetable nutritionally.

How many seeds are on an average strawberry?

About 200.

How high can salmon jump?

Some can jump over 6 feet!

What fruit is dried to make raisins?

Oranges! Just kidding... it's grapes.

What nut are peaches related to?


How should you store a whole onion?

In a cool, dark, dry place in an open bag or bowl.

How large is the largest mushroom in the world?

It is in Oregon, mostly underground, and is thought to measure about 3.5 miles across!

How much water does a dairy cow (a cow that produces milk) have to drink every day?

Enough to fill a bathtub!

Where does the word 'cabbage' come from?

the Latin word for caput and the French word caboche, which both mean 'head'.

Are brussels sprouts cabbages?

No, but they are in the same family along with kale, broccoli, and cauliflower.

How many different colors can bell peppers be?

Seven - red, orange, yellow, green, purple, brown and white!

How long can an asparagus spear grow in 24 hours?

10 inches!